Trade Show Booth Cleaning Tips!

Sometimes the housekeeping of your booth as an exhibitor can be grueling. Who knew something that appears to be so minute, could become your worst nightmare when exhibiting at a trade show. Booth cleaning is one of the major pieces to the puzzle of a successful show. Here are a few tips that will help you prepare.
- Make sure you have requested cleaning for everyday of the show. There’s nothing like a freshly vacuumed or mopped booth when attendees approach your area.
- Specify the type of flooring you have chosen for your booth.
- Inform Service Desk of any special cleaning request.
- Inform service desk of any of your meeting rooms will be locked. This will notify cleaning to service this type of cleaning order once the exhibitor returns.
- Place trash cans where it can be seen for emptying.
- Be sure to lock up or take personal items with you when leaving the booth.